About Us

Professional aviation su≥γpport product supplier

Shanghai Shiren Technology≠♣ Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company eσ¶↔ngaged in the research and development o¶σ↓f aviation ground support equipm↓↔ent, equipment and equipm$∏εent sales, calibration and testing services. ÷ →‍The company tracks internati"♠¥onal aviation security techno♥↕←logy, and combines dΩ>♣omestic aviation security develo'↑pment needs to provide customers with standar↔÷dized and customized products ↕πthrough technological innovation a>>​nd research and developmen₹$≈ t.

Our company is based on t ♥'•he aviation field, engag∞π₽ed in instrumentation sales, consumable→λ•s sales; measurement technology servicββ↓≤es, ground equipment research and development ba↓∞γsed technology companies.↓↑☆>

Customized product desig★↕₹¶n and development  ↕

The company's business sco↓₽αpe: electronic products, drones, intelligeε≠σnt robots, mechanical equipment (excluding sΩ€pecial mechanical equipment), softw♠≈✘are, communication produ→λ$cts, instrumentation, flight simulator technolo☆≤gy research, technology development, ±​‍technology transfer, te✘'chnology Consulting technical services\asse✘ mbly and maintenance; teε÷σsting equipment, measΩα™uring equipment (except measuring instrum≤βεents), automation equipment, manufacturing, sa≠₽φles, maintenance and repair of mechanical and eφ₹lectrical equipment; technical develoβ"↑£pment of computer softwar&♠e; technology research and dev&φelopment, production an∞↓d sales of electronic products; information mα✘δanagement Software development &γ‍and application; self-operated and agent impo$♣rt and export business of various commodi★"€ties and technologies.