We provide professional calib÷™↔↔rating technology consultation
Establishment of Calibrπ±σation Lab and System
We provide customers with consultinβg servise about:
● Construction of calibration standard related to↓∞ mechanics, geometry, electromagnetis✘♥$¥m, radio, etc
● Process of quality managem↕↓ent system certification
Technical Training
● Based on customer nee★÷ds, we organize experts to carr> y out training in cal©♦ ≤ibration basics, techβσ∑nology and management.↑§€÷
Product Service
We help customers on:
● Optimize of P-stage (planning sta↕α"ge) calibration requirements ana®≤₹≤lysis and feasibility analysis.
● Establish calibr¥γating and testing method during C-sta ∞φge, S-stage, D-stage an₹∏δ§d P-stage (mass production stage).
● Go through the£₹ε process of standardiz÷∞ed calibration (testing) procedures based on>☆ <JJF1071 The Rules for₽λ&® Drafting National Celiλ₩←βbration Specification> and release it within the company after rev$®iew