
- Equipment Maintenance and Repair

Senior mechanical, electrical and radio σ ≈♥maintenance experts to c&♠∑arry out various types of aviation support e↕§γ₩quipment maintenance, to provide users with≥δ high quality maintenance serviceε©s. 

Equipment maintenance capabi☆≤©lity list

871A temperature tester VSV angular position indi≥♣α→cator Data downloader
TEE46-4/TEE40-2 engine t∞÷↔βrimming device RWT-4B wind shear radar tes©σter ARLINC-615 Data L‍≥oader
DRA-707 Radio Altim↓↑eter Slope Simulator Atmospheric data tester (atmosp←‌≠δheric data comprehensive analyzer) α•♠ε 465130-01-01 Data Loader
ATC-600A air traffic control tester ±ε Cockpit pressure tes₽‍€ter ARLINC-615 Data Loade&★∑r
Data signal display component test←¥er Radio altimeter 80N-1/980-1 Altimeter indicator tester ✔δ
H-294 Multi-function Temperα‍↓ature Tester Radio altimeter ASI-203 VSV portable tester
Synchronous measurement component ♠÷ H294/ H394 tempera​φ$ture probe checker ✔™∞ Inductive comparator ✔ ♥
Adjust the rudder zero clamp ≤φ PAV-4B phase angle↓↑ voltmeter Thermocouple / millivolt meter ¶¶✔₹
Power short rod protector 213C phase angle voltmeter ¶← Throttle angle gain adjuster ε¶↓​
Dynamic and static pressureλ×✔ calibrator 225 phase angle voltmeter Leak calibrator
NAV-750B VHF Naviga♥>tion Tester T-334001 gyro tester Special tester
TEE38 engine remote control trimming de±αvice T-307951 tester Angle of attack calibrator
Fuel quantity tester T-307962 tester Rudder foot force measuring device
42-05p automatic anti-lag brake controll≤∏" er tester T-321989 tester AGB leak test equipment
F80129-100 automatic anγ≤‌ti-lag brake tester T1201 interface compon∑∏∑ ent Push-pull tester
TT-1200/TT-1000A Digital Turbine Temperatu↑γre Tester 01-0328-00 identγ↑±÷ification tone generat™™>or Atmospheric data tester
TU-14 emergency slide te£©"ster T-321610 indicator t<≈'₽est Angle displacement tester
K738 type constant speed generat→÷±≈or test device T1200 control display device 20102A2 Loop Tester
4TSJ60B00002 inertial navigatio‌" ₩n simulator tester ≥γ> 68Y-1VOR/ILS tester Loop tester
Eddy current flaw detector T1202 high frequency VHF interface comp<←onent Lap table tester
CTS-700 selective call syste ↓α≤m Valve tester Radio height simulator
Conductivity meter Fuel flow checker Stamping turbine ↔φ•tester / aviation hydraulic flow vehicle ★×☆
Navigation tester Engine / APU Generator Checker Aviation spreader
Pressure relief valve tester V2500 VSVALVDT test set TIC navigation tester ₹₽✘₹
Zeroing device synchron↕↓£αization analyzer Fire extinguishing system test box♠₽♦₽ Windshield heater system tester
Windshield heating system test dev÷↕ice Ground fault syst§∞★em calibration tester Digital micro-ohmmeter
CTS-700 selective call t‍•±ester Data loader Turbine temperature tester ≠®  
Engine speed tester Stability surface​γ₩ leveling tester AOA measuring instrument (stall ©♣warning calibration)
Stability surface with plane cutting λβ§γtester Loan chamber fire extinguishing system t♠→δester Atmospheric data navigatioσδ™ n instrument tester
Engine/APU Fire Engine System β₩Test Box Radio height tester ÷≤ XPDR/TCAS/DME signal generator
Fire extinguishing system tes  t equipment APU engine fire engine detector NAV/COMM tester
Valve pressure test £α₩ Cockpit pressure c±Ω‌ontroller Leak calibrator
Dynamic and static pressure test©★↔γer PAT controller •✔∏ Aviation hydraulic jack ≈±≤γ