Professional supplier of aviation sup∏∏porting product
Consumables, tools and instrument for ma← ♦intenance.
Here, you can learn about the lates∑₽γt development of the company±®.
The French Aerospace E☆£¥xhibition (PARIS AIR SHOW) will be heldα÷ at the Le Bourget Airport in Paris fro±↓m June 17-23, 2019.
MoreIn May 2019, Shanghai Shiren Tec✘Ω hnology Co., Ltd. participated in thε₩e regular inspection progr≈α¶δam demonstration and preliminary planning of≠★ the power, power supply an↓φd air-conditioning sγ"★ystem of a major repairing plant of ships. We¶↓ plan to carry out the test of three ≠₩©sub-systems mentioned a♠"bove.
MoreIn order to complete t₩€™he performance test task of the aircraft eφλxhaust thermometer tester and the tachometer✔∞ signal simulator before the end of May, oΩ≈←ur product manager developΩ₹πed a rigorous product test ₹ plan, and organized t∏↕←he test team to successfully complete the t✔ ✔×esting of various test indicators of the pr∞$$oduct.
MoreShanghai Shiren Technology Co., Ltd. is '×∞¶a high-tech company engaged in the research and £≠development of aviation g★≥↔δround support equipment, equ£ipment sales, calibration and testing servi↕←ces.