
The Connected Aircraft Congres≤£≤s China (CAC) is Held in Shang•∞‌hai

【Date:2019-04-23 】

According to forecasts, by 2035, thλ÷ e number of passengers flying each year Ωπαin China will reach 1.4 billiom. The civil₩♦♥​ aviation has become a maλ£ssive data carrier for gathering people, logistic≠↑s, business, information and capit ±al. As the industry continues to imp σ↔rove the safety management and operation leσφvel of civil aviation, optimizing oper✘‍↑←ational efficiency, improving passengerλ♣≤₩ satisfaction, and on-board ₹≤♥±interconnection faces unprecedented§♥®≠ opportunities for development. Through the analy‍≈sis and application of real-time interconnected↑♥ big data, the airport n∑±✘etwork, route network ₽φ✘and information network will be deeply in↕>tegrated and developed.